Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Chipotle drive

Dnd ideas

 A Bardbarian WIP
Floating human head warforged

Friday, July 6, 2012


Friend Sketch 1

Was hanging out with a friend and I used him as reff, and im sure this is all he thinks about


An idea for an underwater RTS


Inspired by Pikman

Spray Boy

I had a 3d platformer in mind when i made him. His pack straps can be upgraded for more control, but it isnt to reliable, it only allows him to jump a bit farther then normal. he does use the fire and spray can to set enemies aflame tho. I have a whole crazy world in my head that a friend and i came up with wail drawing, but that is for another day

LizardMan outlines

I he would make a kewl side scroller guy

Colour Me!

 So I drew some outlines for people to colour. All I ask is that you sign it and send me a copy. Im looking to get a tun and put them up. I will be doing the same soon